Sunday, 15 May 2011

Flash Worklog #2

Reference Pictures and Objects in my flash final:





Flash Worklog #1

Here was my idea to start of with on my flash work:
After an intro talking to your boss, he tells you about a killer - and you've to investigate to find him.
There would be three people at a bar, you have the ability to talk to all 3 but one in particular will open a door for you, if you choose to go through that door then you'll play a minigame to catch the killer.
In my second draft of the game I took out the mini game at the end and added "detective mode", where you can listen in to other people's conversations. Using this you can get the good ending of catching the killer, and without it you go through the door, leaving him to go as you've got no evidence. The idea of detective mode that if you listen in on all 3 people, then you get the good ending. The problem with this was that there were too many variable if you listen to one person, leave detective mode, enter it again and so on and so forth. To combat this I made it once you enter detective mode you may not leave until you have listened to all 3 people. Then no matter who you talk to or what you do you will always get the good ending of catching the crook.

Character Art:

I had the idea to have different dialogue still to give weight to what their saying and to show more of the character. (al la Phoenix Wright)
This was a very quick sketch on what I wanted to achieve with this effect:
Here are some more very quick idea sketches on what I wanted the Boss to look like:

But instead I settled for a different art direction, a cross between Homer Simpson and Bruce Willis from Sin City:

I just now noticed he looks like if Old Ben (Obiwan Kanobi) was a Simpsons character...

Maya Work FINAL

What I wanted to achieve with my final piece is an image of struggle and collapse. To take an iconic piece of architecture and have it suspended and fractured, defying laws and sense - is to show how important these structures are in our modern way of living, and how strong man's resolve to keep on pushing forward is. And it is that strength that is keeping this mystery afloat.

Maya Work Log #3

To achieve the cubic base of the empire state building I extruded a cube in to a mesh of blocks:

Maya Work Log #2

Here are the final buildings and reference pictures I used when building my Maya environment:



(^ work in progress)


(I took the body of this lamp post design, but not the head.)


Maya Work Log #1

In order to achieve the same effect that the Monasse's Four Horsemen piece accomplished - I needed to make my Maya environment relatable to the viewer. To do this I studied modern urban buildings to see how they relate to their function ie. office space/flat buildings/skyscrapers. I decided that the main subject of my piece would be the most iconic and therefore relatable building in this modern day of age - the empire state building.

These pictures were great for reference when building the 3d model as they covered different angles and sides of the building as well as giving it that immense sense of scale, which is what I wanted to achieve in my piece.
After much deliberation I decided that I would break apart the structure of the building and separate it in to three parts, thus creating the fractured image. I also wanted to have parts of the building still hanging on or suspended in mid air as a statement to mans' resolve. Here was the plan:

 Here's when I started work on the building itself - using the reference images:


Saturday, 14 May 2011

Maya work

Before beginning to plan my environment on Maya, I first had to find an artist that I wanted to base the environment on. Using his or her's format to creating a piece or just taking inspiration from them. I began to look in to abstract art, but the kind where the subject is still in full view. Soon, an artist named Carol Manasse caught my eye, this piece in particular:

The Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Not only was the juxtaposition of the colour pallet with the subject matter interesting, but also how they are broken and fragmented in to primitive shapes, almost cubic and minimalist. I interpreted it a statement on the broken state of mankind as the final hours draw near. It was this broken and almost cubic aesthetic that I wanted to achieve in my maya project.