Sunday, 15 May 2011

Maya Work Log #1

In order to achieve the same effect that the Monasse's Four Horsemen piece accomplished - I needed to make my Maya environment relatable to the viewer. To do this I studied modern urban buildings to see how they relate to their function ie. office space/flat buildings/skyscrapers. I decided that the main subject of my piece would be the most iconic and therefore relatable building in this modern day of age - the empire state building.

These pictures were great for reference when building the 3d model as they covered different angles and sides of the building as well as giving it that immense sense of scale, which is what I wanted to achieve in my piece.
After much deliberation I decided that I would break apart the structure of the building and separate it in to three parts, thus creating the fractured image. I also wanted to have parts of the building still hanging on or suspended in mid air as a statement to mans' resolve. Here was the plan:

 Here's when I started work on the building itself - using the reference images: