Sunday, 2 January 2011

Dynamic Communication Advertising

Recently I've also been thinking about how my brand would advertise in mediums like posters. I've cooked up a few ideas for .EXE but nothing solid - just some sketches.

As my mascot's main purpose is to be in danger - I thought that situations like that would be perfect for posters advertising aid;

Because he mascot's design is so simple, it's really easy to put in to a lot of different, dangerous situations - with it's small legs and arms giving it an inferiority complex. Gaining some empathy because of this, but still remaining humorous.
I've always liked the tongue-on-cheek way to advertise aid, just to show something that's wrong as to say; "We could fix this." Like you're friend who's annoying you when you keep on dying on a game. Just a thought.

Here's another few for good measure:

I went for the .EXE name as it related a lot with Computers and gaming as a whole. As I'm meant to brand myself, I only thought it fitting that I base it on my greatest hobby.

This is the final .EXE logo I decided to go for, as it keeps the same colour scheme and pixelated theme of the advert - which is great for a logo, having a tactile relation to the mascot and advert itself.