Saturday, 1 January 2011

Text Scene Worklog *COMPLETE*

"History is, it's just a nightmare. Cut-off tongues laying everywhere"

This is the text I chose to concentrate on. From my favourite book Rant - the book is basically a collection of interviews and leads you with unreliable sources constructing the narrative - and this quote pretty much sums it up. To be lead astray, deceived and pushed and pulled.

Working on the idea of being lead astray and deceived, I thought of the act to be lead and instantly thought of a family - more specifically a father and son. For a son to be brought up in his father's ideals and not his own - conveying the deception by hiding his face. 

Toying with this idea was fun, but there's not much of a variant with the family stature - so I moved away from the Father/Son relationship rather quickly.

Still working on the idea of being lead astray, I began to think about how people in history have been betrayed and back stabbed all in the sake of leadership. I mean, the victor get to write in the history book right? So rather than trying to look in to that, I looked in to what lengths a human would go to to accomplish this feat. In this sketch, the wearing of masks symbolises that one of them is trying to imitate the mannerisms of the other, to become their ally and hence forth gain trust.

Trying to find a different angle to tackle the text from, I started to think about instead of being lead astray, to be push and pulled in to something that goes against your beliefs. In this sketch I tried to show that, but in a greater scale perhaps the arms would have suit sleeves to show that the metaphor is tied to business stature.

Here I began to work on the idea that an ideal or way of life is enforced. Disputes and disarrangements being my subject point. So now, instead of the motives being hidden away in the dark - they are brought to the fore front and are the main focus of this piece.

I quickly made the connection of disputes with the thought of riot police, enforcing and upholding the law - mainly protests. (The recent protests of tuition fees sparked this thought) And mainly about how easily they can get out of hand. Also, about how the people who are protesting believe that this is the right thing - violent or not.

Going back to the idea of being dragged astray, pulled into an ideal you don't agree with - I looked at the aftermath of this and how redemption is possible. The hand represents a fight back from being enslaved and enforced in to something that isn't you. Working on the final I brushed some dust and cut out the hand on to a desert and turned up the saturation of the desert sky to give it a might brighter feel.

Reach for the sky.